Upon receiving Hainan Provincial Party Committee's proposal for the establishment of YEDZ, Deng Xiaoping, the chief designer of China's reform and opening, wrote on April 28,1989,"After receiving the situation, I think the proposal correct. It's a rare chance and all formalities should be fulfilled without delay.





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When visting Yangpu,Secretary General Jiang Zemin pointed out, "I think it's good that Hainan plans to allot a tract of land in Yangpu for area development. The  plan wins the support of both the Party Central Committee and State Council as well as Comrade Deng Xiaoping's written instructions, It's good way to introduce foreign capital. We welcome foreign investors to China for area development."


Chairman to Standing Committee of the NPC Li Peng visited Yangpu and wrote and inscription,"Industry puts impulse to Yangpu's development, and Yangpu's development puts impulse to Hainan's economy."

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Premier Zhu Rongji made three times visits to Yangpu and gave important instructions for the development of Yangpu.


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