Table of Contents
Cover Page



Yangpu Economic Development Zone
Industry and Commerce Administration Bureau
July-August 2001

International Phonetic Alphabet

I.  Vocal Communication

  A.  Listening Comprehension:
       1.  Cultures' accepted discoursal sound inventory 
       2.  Audio input at the phonetic level:  [ ] 
           a.  Language barrier
           b.  Dialects
           c.  Regional differences
       3.  Recognition at the phonemic level:  / /

Comprehension:  Mental Activity/ Processing

  B.  Language Production:
       1.  Knowledge of culturally accepted discourse
       2.  Recognition at the phonemic level:  / /
       3.  Sound output at the phonetic level:  [ ]
           a.  Place of articulation: 
                 bilabial, labiodental, dental, alveolar, postalveolar, palatal, velar, and glottal. 
           b.  Mode of articulation: 
                 plosive, nasal, fricative, affricate, approximate, and lateral.
           c.  Voiced and voiceless distinction
           d.  Oral and nasal distinction
           e.  Lateral and central distinction
        4.  Syllable structure
           a.  Onset, peak, and coda
           b.  Rhyme
           c.  Consonantal clusters

Cover Page | Assessment | IPA | Grammar | Culture | Reflection | Bibliography

Copyright© 2001



      front, high, tense, unrounded vowel front, middle, tense, unrounded vowel front, middle, lax, unrounded vowel front, low, lax, unrounded vowel front, high, lax, unrounded vowel central, front, lax, dipthong central, middle, lax, dipthong central, middle, lax, unrounded vowel central, low, lax, unrounded vowel central, middle, lax, dipthong back, high, lax, rounded vowel back, high, tense, rounded vowel back, middle, tense, rounded vowel back, middle, lax, rounded vowel